
From the Hotel Village SCHÖNLEITN

Stay up-to-date! If you would like to find out all that’s happening in and around the hotel village SCHÖNLEITN– here are updates on the most current guest programme.

Culinary Highlights & Events
at the Dorfwirt SCHÖNLEITN



Saturaday, June 8th White Night at Lake Faaker See

All details to the events and bookings


Recurring events

All dates can be found in the Experiences, at the bottom of the page. Just click your way through.


Wine or beer tasting


Dado & Michi "Dos Guitarros

Times and dates can be found here


Traditional "Kirchtag" 2024

 Naturel Kirchtag im Dorf SCHÖNLEITN: Wednesday, July 24th

 Naturel Kirchtag im Dorf SEELEITN: Wendesday, August 7th


Trachtenkapelle in the Naturel

Times and dates can be found here

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Naturel Hotels & Resorts Dorf SCHÖNLEITN ****
Dorfstraße 26 . 9582 Oberaichwald . Carinthia . Austria
Phone: +43 5 023 84 .